
Conclusion Of School Health Project

Conclusion of school health project

The school health project aims to strengthen school health care services and manage malnutrition cases for students and educational staff for schools in Aden, and it is a project within the health sector, implemented by INTERNATIONAL WARS AND DISASTERS VICTIMS PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, with funding from KSRELIEF and in coordination with the School Health Administration in Yemen.

Under sponsorship of the director of the public health and population office in the Governorate of Aden, Dr. “Ali Abdullah Saleh,” and the director of the office of education in Aden, Dr. “Mohammad Al-Ruqibi,” and in the presence of the director of organizations affairs in the ministry of health and the director of medicinal supply at the ministry of health, a ceremony of conclusion of School health was held today, which implemented by “IRVD”. As the project began at the beginning of October of last year, and concluded its activities in this March.

The school health project activities took place in 8 regions of Aden after the targeted primary schools were identified, and the number of project beneficiaries reached to 44000, distributed among students and the teaching and administrative staff alike.

During the project, 10 mobile clinics were formed, each clinic consisting of a doctor, a nurse, a community health worker and a mental health worker, so that the staff is under the direct supervision of the doctor in the clinic, and after that the clinic makes periodic visits to schools to provide primary health services.

Each of the clinics visited schools in the areas covered by the project, and in each classroom the purpose of the visit was defined for medical assistance and some matters of interest to children were explained and questions answered, and then a medical survey was conducted for all children in the class, all names were restricted and inspections were made. For children who have health problems and dispensing free medicines according to the cases. As for cases that need a specialist doctor, they are referred to the approved primary health centers.

As for community health professionals, they have undertaken the task of raising awareness about public health issues, personal hygiene, prevention of infectious diseases, and healthy nutrition issues, in a gentle and simple way for children. Also, mental health professionals raise awareness about some general psychological issues that children may face, such as aggression, bullying and fear, as well as directing them to study, friendship and acceptance of others.

In addition to all this, the project teams raised awareness about corona virus, and protective baskets containing masks, soap, hand sanitizer and perfumed tissues were distributed, in addition to brochures that aim to raise awareness about the epidemic.

By the conclusion of School health project, it is worth noting that the clinics examined 75301 students within the project, by visiting 106 schools, with a number of prescriptions amounting to 15061 and referrals amounting to 5208 referrals that varied between medical, nutritional and psychological cases, and 405 disabilities were recorded.

During the conclusion of school health project, the attendees discussed all aspects, proposals and recommendations for the project’s activities and the necessary mechanisms to ensure the highest levels of coordination between all parties at the level of education and health offices and the relevant authorities to ensure health services reach the target student groups.

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